Out of this world technology news and updates
The current iPods are great as a “one way” system for letting you listen to your music and watch your videos but what happens if you want to quickly shoot some video or snap some pics? Well if you’ve only got your iPod then you really are out of luck and this is where the […]
Sony is starting to become as stylish as Apple Computers, heck they’re evening releasing items around the same time as Apple does. This time it’s the Vaio VGN-AR70B which seems to be the first laptop to be shipping with a blu-ray burner and High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) port.
This stylish beast is packed with:
17″ LCD […]
No it’s not a real life rabbit with WiFi added on but rather a desktop companion that makes use of your WiFi network to fetch information for you. Yip he goes digging through the dirty Internet trying to find out the latest news, weather reports and unread emails.
Nabaztag remains an ingenious, always connected communications […]
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