Archive for the 'Google' Category

It seems that Google might actually be experimenting with an OS X version of Google Earth for us Mac users. BinaryBonsai has found a place that has this beta version available for download. Now we play the waiting game and sit longing for an official release from Google.

It’s only been about a week since Google introduced Anti-Virus capabilities into Gmail, and now the Googlers are now ready to start offering a few more interesting features that may raise a few eyebrows.  Their “What’s New” page has changed once again and outlines a few extra features that aren’t yet available.
Some of the […]

If you’re an avid googler you already know that google like to theme their site for the holidays and often change their logo to whatever is appropriate for the holidays. Geek on the Mountain found a link to all the past images used on google. Why not read up more on the […]

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