PQI Card Drive


PQI Card DriveMove over Motorola as your “razor thin” spot has been taken over by PQI!  Power Quotient International (PQI) is one of the largest memory module manufacturers in the world and their items are now available in the UK via Eupac Ltd.  Leader in VoIP, networking, storage and multimedia Eupac are now stocking the PQI ultra slim card drive.

Available in 1, 2, 4, 8GB these USB2.0 (and 1.1 if you really must!) drives offer you the most amazing portable storage experience.  At 3mm thin (0.118 inches) you could store it in your wallet and mistake it for your credit card.

These devices live up to the truly portable term as they require no external power, work across multiple operating systems (Windows,  Mac OS and Linux) and weight a mere 20g.

While we’re waiting for our review unit (*please* Eupac!) we suggest that you grab one of these as they’re bound to be infinitely useful.  Pricing ranges from £26.90 for the 1GB unit to £109.90 for the 8GB unit (excl. VAT).  Buy online now.

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ThinkOutside are most famous for their Stowaway portable keyboard systems but are starting to branch out into other avenues now.  One of their latest products is the portable speaker system known as the Boomtube H2O1.

Up until recently your iPod was nothing more than a glorified personal music player - not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just that music was meant to be shared.  ThinkOutside, along with Apple, are discovering that there is an untapped market of consumers who want their iPod (or similar mp3 player) to be the heart and soul of the party.  And why not?  It’s got all the styles and now it’s got the voice to match.

The Stowaway Boomtube H201 portable music player provides you with more than 40 watts of playback power.  These speakers are just as portable as your iPod and have 5 hours of battery time to last just as long as well. 

Included in the kit are 2 satellite speakers and a powerful subwoofer with the satellite speakers being connected to the base system by a meter of speaker wire.  Connection to your music player is simply a matter of connecting the 3.5mm stereo connector.  It’s nice to see ThinkOutside taking care of mobile phone users by including a 2.5 to 3.5mm converter.

Being portable means that you’re likely to drag these speakers with you on camping trips so thankfully the anodized aluminum housing resists stains and scratches. Aluminum speaker cones provide for better quality and style.

That’s about all we can say on this unit until we manage to secure a review unit.  Go ahead and check out the specifications and buy online in the USA ($250) or UK (£169.99).  Be sure to stop back and let us know what you think of these cute speakers!

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The current iPods are great as a “one way” system for letting you listen to your music and watch your videos but what happens if you want to quickly shoot some video or snap some pics?  Well if you’ve only got your iPod then you really are out of luck and this is where the Mega PIMP comes in. 

No I’ve not moved into the pimping profession so don’t worry!  The Mega PIMP is also know as a Personal Intigrated Media Player and allows you to play and record video and audio.  Not only that but you can also snap shots at 6 mega pixels.

But BrickHouse Security are better known for their home and business security systems so it seems strange that they are offering this device.  Could there be a twist to this Mega PIMP at all?  Yeah just plug in a covert camera and you have the perfect body worn surveillance system. Wear it in plain sight and use head phones to make it seem like any other MP3 player. Only you will know the secret.

This PIMP is fitted out with 128MB of internal storage and allows you to slot in a SD card for an extra 1GB.  If you’re planning on extended snoop sessions you’ll need a new SD card for every 2 1/2 hours of snooping you do.

If this sounds like your thing then head on over to BrickHouse Security to purchase the unit for $239.95

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